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Archive of posts published in the tag: book

The Irish Cottage: Finding Elizabeth by Juliet Gauvin The Irish Heart Series Book 1

A story about losing your way and finding your life. Book 1 of 3. Elizabeth Lara built a perfect life as San Francisco’s top divorce attorney, but when she loses her great-aunt Mags, the woman who raised her, she boards a plane and…

Free: What Do You Mean it’s Not Covered?: A Different Perspective To Understanding Insurance by Melissa Hudson

Most of us live in a world that is so busy, we often fail to take care of some of the important small stuff. Then something big happens… We have a fire at our home and our lives fall apart in a moment…

#Hustle + Flow = Success by Lisa Toste

Everyone said to achieve success you have to take massive action – so you did that and didn’t quite get the results you wanted, right? Then everyone said to achieve success you have to go with the flow and align your vibration –…